
Determine if your raw water or wastewater is toxic to biological activity.

PolyTox® is a 30 minute rapid biological test for measuring the toxicity of raw water or wastewater to biological organisms or systems. This blend of specialized microbial cultures in an easy-to-use kit provides a simple and economical test that eliminates the need for expensive instrumentation.

Features and Benefits:

  • Cost effective product
  • Run with standard Dissolved Oxygen meter
  • Easy-to-use
  • Reliable, consistent results in less than 30 minutes
  • Free of nitrifying microorganisms
  • Non-pathogenic
  • Available in package of 20 vials
  • Shelf Life: 3 months from date of product activation (order date)
  • Product# P410

For more specific information and resources, please visit the User Resources pages.Case Studies available upon request.